Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Most Important Meal of the Day

Breakfast time at the Murphy house is usually uneventful. Lily ordinarily chooses from the list of her favorite breakfast items, which include cereal, oatmeal, yogurt and the occasional pancake. I can usually give Sophia the same thing her sister orders, but on certain days, I need to throw in a piece of toast or two.
This morning, after the girls received their breakfast, I couldn't help but notice the difference between a three year old who feeds herself and an 18 month old child who INSISTS on feeding herself.

Lily with her bowl of cereal. Notice her clean face?

Sophia being independent with that spoon and yogurt

The end result

Do you see the difference?
But who cares about a little mess when you see how happy these girls are now that their tummies are full?!

Riddle Me This

What do you get when you cross a toothpick, canister of Clorox Bleach wipes and a woman who likes to pay attention to detail??
ME, sitting on the floor of our newly painted bathroom, wiping down the moulding with the Clorox wipes and then scratching off the paint globs with said toothpick.
SERIOUSLY, who does this??
Apparently I do! As obsessive as I was being about these minor details, or as I was lovingly being called "anal" by my husband, I still loved the end result.
Our Apple Green bathroom
I think it was worth it!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Paint, popsicles and frogs, oh my!

Arkansas summers can generally be rough, but this summer seems to be particularly hot. The heat has made me want to spend more time inside by the air conditioner than in the sun. The girls had been itching to paint and since I know how much they like being outside, I felt that going outdoors would be the wisest choice, especially since it didn't seem as hot today.

I set each of the girls up with paint, a paintbrush and a pad of paper. While the girls busily worked away, I also tried to get my painting done. I made sure to look up often to check on their progress. The first few times I glanced up, I saw happy children that were fairly clean, with the exception of a little paint that was on the driveway, but it's washable. Things changed a little by the fourth glance up. At this point, Sophia had a streak of green paint across her head and face. Thankfully, I knew I could count on Lily to stay clean, or so I thought.

Lily decided that her and Sophia should do hand prints, but like most of Lily's ideas, it didn't stop there. As I looked up once again, Lily was covered in paint from her toes to her neck and everywhere in between. It was apparent that they were done with their art project, so it was time to pull out the hose and clean them off. The girls were all for this and ran to grab their buckets as I pulled the hose out.

I just stood there with the hose as they filled the buckets and then dumped the water on their heads. They did this over and over again, that was, until Sophia spotted something moving in the grass. Being the fearless child she is, she chased it into the grass and squatted down next to it. I told her it was a frog and as she reached down to touch it, the smart frog hopped away. The frog headed towards the flowerbed as Sophia threw her bucket down and continued to run after it, all the while yelling "BIBBIT! BIBBIT!"

Hungry from the great adventures, the girls wanted a popsicle. Lily got her favorite yellow one and Sophia got green AND red, which she shared with her sister. What a perfect end to this lovely day! I only wish there were pictures to share.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ode to a Butterfly

As the flowers blossom in the springtime, it is not rare to spot a butterfly fluttering about. Many times, you will see two to three in a day. It's incredible to me that this tiny creature, in a world of so many creatures, can bring such beauty to an already beautiful time of year.
I have once read that a butterfly, and more specifically, a monarch butterfly, is known to be a symbol of transformation and metamorphosis. I have even heard that in ancient Christianity, the butterfly was considered to be a symbol of the soul. Could there be a better symbol of our souls? If you have ever watched a butterfly, you would see that it is not just the extraordinary colors they possess, but there is something in the way that they flutter about. It appears to be almost joyful as if there isn't a care in the world. Rather than flying through life, it is almost as if they are dancing. You can't help but feel touched by their beauty and the joy that they can give us. When I see one, it definitely makes me smile.
When asked to imagine a butterfly, is this what you see...
I am sure that this is what most people imagine, but if you were to ask me the same question, this is what I see...

A woman so beautiful and so full of life who just seemed to dance through our lives. One of the true symbols of the soul who was constantly transforming and changing to be what those who loved her, and more importantly, those she loved, needed to be.

Even though this beautiful butterfly flew high into the Heavens on November 12, 2007, I know that her spirit and soul surround us every day. Whether it be on those days that she follows us down the walking path making sure we are okay and enjoying the moments that she can watch her beloved great-grandchildren. Or when she joins our family in those once in a lifetime moments, like when my cousin got married and we watched as a single butterfly danced among the bushes during the ceremony. She is always there.

I am looking forward to the springtime when I can see her more often because not a day goes by that she doesn't cross my mind.

I love you so much Grandma and miss you so deeply!

The Name Game

Lily is a master when it comes to the art of making up names for people. Her and I play a game when we are out and about where she will usually point to someone and ask, "What is his/her name?" I usually shrug my shoulders and tell her that I am not sure to which she responds, "Well let's give him one." Quite simple when you think about it.

Lily has done this not only for strangers, but also for those who she loves most, her family. In our family, we don't have your typical "grandma" or "grandpa", instead we have names given by Lily based on something they once did, said, or a physical trait they have. This won't be the last time these people are mentioned, so it's important to learn their Lily names.

Birth Name: Maureen
Relation to Lily: Grandma (maternal)
Name given by Lily: Ditado
Back story: With the many miles between us (we are in Arkansas and Lily's grandparents are in California), we had to come up with a way to see each other on a regular basis. The web cam became our method of choice. Every few days we would do a call and for some reason, my mom started putting her index fingers on either side of her nose and "played" her nose like a horn. As she played her nose horn, she also made a horn noises, which sounded like "Do di do di doo doo. Do di do di doo doo." I believe she did this to get Lily's attention and boy, did it. I told my mom that she should be careful because that would be how Lily would remember her, and sure enough, the next time we got on the web cam, Lily pointed to the computer screen and said, "Ditado!" I am not sure that Lily will ever call her "grandma" and I believe that Ditado is perfectly fine with that!

Birth Name: Gary
Relation to Lily: Grandpa (maternal)
Name given by Lily: Papa GiGi
Papa GiGi's name was given to him by Lily mostly because she had trouble pronouncing "Papa Gary." However, earlier on, Lily was able to distinguish my father from everyone else by his moustache. So I suppose it could have been worse. Papa GiGi could have instead been called "Papa Moustache". Hey, I actually like the sound of that. Is it too late to change it? I'll have to run that past Lily.

Birth Name: Tom
Relation to Lily: Grandpa (paternal)
Name given by Lily: Papa Ooh-Ooh

So how did Papa Tom acquire the name Papa Ooh-Ooh? I believe that he actually had a lot to do with being branded with his new name, although it may have been done unknowingly. It all started when Papa Tom came to visit us after Sophia was born. Being the thoughtful papa that he is, when at the store, he bought Lily the movie "Jungle Book." Seeing that Lily was so excited about this new movie, my father-in-law was kind enough to sit down and watch it with her. Little did he know that in the time he was here visiting, he would watch this movie ten times. In the movie, there is a scene where Mowgli gets taken by the monkeys and meets King Louie. During this scene, Lily would turn to look at her papa and he would imitate the monkeys by putting his hands under his armpits and make monkey sounds. Therefore, forever sticking her papa with the name of Papa Ooh-Ooh.

Birth Name: Rachael
Relation to Lily: Grandma (paternal)
Name given by Lily: Grandma Owee
Lily's grandma Rachael became Grandma Owee very early on. Whenever Rachael would hold Lily, she was always very intrigued with her grandma's face. To be exact, it was the mole on her grandma's face that Lily seemed to be drawn to. When Joe would ask Lily what she was looking at, Lily would point to the mole on her grandma's face and say "Owee." Every time Lily saw her, she would point at Rachael's face and repeat that same word. This is how Grandma Rachael became Grandma Owee. Do you want to know what is so ironic about this name that Lily gave her grandma? Lily actually has a mole on her face and it is in the exact same spot as the one Rachael has. I guess every beautiful woman has to have their mark.
Of course this isn't where our name game ends. Stay tuned for more of the unique names given to Lily's aunts and uncles in my future story, "The Name Game: Part 2"

Allow Me to Introduce Myself

After writing five stories of myself and my family, I have realized that there may be people out there reading this that may not know who we are. So, please allow me to introduce myself and the main characters in the stories of our lives.

Character Name: Carrie

Roles played: Narrator, Momma, Wife and occasional worrywart

A stay-at-home mom that believes that family is the most important thing in the world! Can best be described as having a type A personality. A little OCD when it comes to organization and wants things done NOW. Also likes to be thought of as a kind and generous person that would do almost anything for friends and will no doubt do whatever it takes for her family to be happy and healthy.

Character Name: Joe

Roles played: Daddy, Husband, Breadwinner

To sum Joe up in one word, that word would have to be HARDWORKING. He works very long days and still manages to come home and make his wife happy by helping her with whatever crazy project that she has going on at the time. At this point, it's repainting the entire house. Joe is a man with a very tough exterior, but don't let that fool you, he is actually a big softie who loves his girls and will do anything to protect them.

Character Name: Liliana (a.k.a Lily)

Roles played: Daughter, Big Sister, occasional Chatterbox

Lily is the social butterfly of the bunch. From a very early age, she has drawn people in with her charm and kindness. She is a very sweet and gentle child who would never harm or hit anything, even when provoked (mostly by her sister). She is so smart and will let you know what she thinks about things, which sometimes makes for the best stories. To sum Lily up in one word, the best one to describe her would be LOVING. The little girl with the big heart!

Character Name: Sophia (a.k.a. Tophia)

Roles played: Daughter, Baby Sister, occasional Bully

Sophia is the baby with the big presence. It's easy to make Sophia out from the bunch because she is usually the child that is climbing something high and has one shoe on and one shoe off. She doesn't waste her time playing with kids her age. She would rather play with the "big" kids because she truly believes that she is as mighty and as big as they are. One word to describe Sophia would have to be STRONG. This word describes both her personality and her physical ability. Can sometimes be thought of as the bully because she wants her way and wants things done when she wants them done (I guess she's a lot like her mommy that way). Sophia is not just all rough and tumble, though. She is a little girl with an incredibly sweet side and quite the snuggle bear.

This was just a glimpse into the lives and personalities of the main characters in my stories. Stay tuned for more on each individual in upcoming stories along with a blog dedicated to the supporting cast.

Friday, July 24, 2009

From Lil' Swimmer to Lil' Skipper

On July 13, 2009, I took Lily to her first swim lesson at the local YMCA. I figured with all the swimming we do and water park visits we make each summer that lessons would be the logical thing to do. As it is, Lily LOVES the water, so I felt that this would be a piece of cake for her.
The first day we got there, Lily saw that her friend, Olive would also be taking lessons with her. The two giddy girls climbed into the pool and sat at the top step just like their instructor, Charlie asked them to do. Charlie began taking each kid out one-by-one and that is where Lily's excitement ended. As she made her way back to the steps, I saw that she was crying. Of course I went to go see how she was and from that moment on, she refused to get back in the water. I was ready to pack up and go. Did I mention that we were inside and it was more humid than anything I had ever felt? Luckily, my friend Jen convinced me to stay. Lily spent the rest of the lesson standing next to me just watching. I told Charlie "Thank you" but honestly felt that we wouldn't be back. I didn't want to force her to do something she wasn't ready for.
After getting home, I told Lily that she had another swim lesson the next day and wanted to know if she would like to go. She went back and forth on her answer and finally the morning of swim lesson #2, she decided to go. Man oh man! What a difference a day makes! There was a new instructor to teach their group and Lily had no trouble getting in the water. For the next two weeks, Lily couldn't wait to go to swim lessons. By the second day, she was even jumping into the pool and putting her head under the water.
Today was Lily's last day of swim lessons and I watched her as she swam from one side of the pool to the other with only a "backpack." You wouldn't believe how proud I am of her!

Lily watching her teacher, Jodie intently

Kick! Kick! Kick!

Keeping her mouth closed so as not to get that water in her mouth

The next Esther Williams

Ladies and gentlemen, please take a look at my little graduate. She is now officially a SKIPPER!

Next up...SOCCER!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

There's No Place Like Home

During the blistering heat of July, Lily has managed to decide what she wants to be for Halloween this year. To all of those people who have spoken to her in the past week, you know as well. After giving it a lot of thought, she has decided that she wants to be Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz and that Sophia would be the "Carady Lion" (a.k.a Cowardly Lion). This comes as no surprise to me because Lily could (and has) sit in front of the television and watch The Wizard of Oz all day long.

I guess after letting me choose her costumes the past three years, she was ready to make her own decision for this ever important holiday. Last year she was a bumblebee while Sophia was a flower. She was a skunk the year before that and for her first Halloween, she was a monarch butterfly. I suppose that it was time to get away from the insect and animal costumes and give her a chance to be the little lady that she is. Of course, to be a proper Dorothy, she will need a pair of ruby red slippers. What could be more girlie than that?

I can't help but wonder, is it possible that my three year old has been feeling what I have been thinking lately and thus came up with this costume choice? Can she really sense that in the forefront of my mind that I truly feel that "There is no place like home"? It could all be purely coincidental, but that's not going to stop me from asking to borrow those red slippers when she's done with them and put them on my feet (as best as I can) and click my heels together as I repeat those famous five words, "There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home."
Let's just hope that I don't end up in Kansas!

Mullet Be Gone

It's official! Sophia is mullet free.
At 18 months and 23 days, Sophia has had her first haircut. Now those of you who have seen her recently may be wondering why she would need a haircut at all, but trust me, the little bit of hair she did have was all business in the front and party in the back. Sophia is now back to square one in the hair department, but I must say, it looks 100% better. Good thing her ears are pierced and she wears a lot of pink.
This is where the first haircut was done. (They can thank me for the free P.R. later)

The BEFORE picture

The haircut is complete and Sophia is just enjoying the blow dry

The AFTER picture

Now if we could only do something about Lily's...

See you again in another 18 months!

Tennis Anyone?

Watch out Maria and Venus, there's a new player on the block.

Unfortunately, this couldn't be further from the truth, but I did, however, take my first tennis lesson yesterday. Why tennis? I have actually always wanted to try tennis. After playing team sports my entire life (softball, soccer and that really horrible attempt at basketball), I thought that tennis would be something I could enjoy by myself or with friends.

Going into my first lesson, I must say that I thought all of the years of playing softball would actually help me. Boy was I wrong! Everything you do to hit a softball is the complete opposite of what you should do to hit a tennis ball. For the first time in my life, I hit multiple home runs in one game. Unfortunately, it was tennis I was playing and not softball, so homeruns don't actually count. Oh well, I guess that's why they call them lessons. Monday I will try my hand at tennis yet again and I just hope to enjoy it as much then as I did yesterday.

By the way, when can I start wearing those cute little tennis skirts??

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Virgin Territory

The first time trying anything new can be both scary and intimidating, especially if you don't know what to expect. These two factors are enough to keep most people from trying new things, but today I looked past being scared and intimidated and told myself that I would do it for my children. Today ladies and gentleman, I became a blogger. It may not seem as scary as bungee jumping or skydiving, but for those of us that have trouble trying new things, it ranks right up there. I am that person that always needs to feel liked and accepted and I am just afraid that you may not find me smart enough or witty enough. However, as I look at my two precious girls, I realize that I don't have to be the smartest or the wittiest for them to love me, I just have to be their mommy!

I look forward to writing about my children and sharing those everyday things that they do that make me smile, cry and love them that much more day in and day out. So please, sit back and enjoy!

Carrie (Mommy to those Two Precious Girls)