Thursday, July 23, 2009

There's No Place Like Home

During the blistering heat of July, Lily has managed to decide what she wants to be for Halloween this year. To all of those people who have spoken to her in the past week, you know as well. After giving it a lot of thought, she has decided that she wants to be Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz and that Sophia would be the "Carady Lion" (a.k.a Cowardly Lion). This comes as no surprise to me because Lily could (and has) sit in front of the television and watch The Wizard of Oz all day long.

I guess after letting me choose her costumes the past three years, she was ready to make her own decision for this ever important holiday. Last year she was a bumblebee while Sophia was a flower. She was a skunk the year before that and for her first Halloween, she was a monarch butterfly. I suppose that it was time to get away from the insect and animal costumes and give her a chance to be the little lady that she is. Of course, to be a proper Dorothy, she will need a pair of ruby red slippers. What could be more girlie than that?

I can't help but wonder, is it possible that my three year old has been feeling what I have been thinking lately and thus came up with this costume choice? Can she really sense that in the forefront of my mind that I truly feel that "There is no place like home"? It could all be purely coincidental, but that's not going to stop me from asking to borrow those red slippers when she's done with them and put them on my feet (as best as I can) and click my heels together as I repeat those famous five words, "There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home."
Let's just hope that I don't end up in Kansas!

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