I am sad. Today my mom left to go back to California and I am sad. She was supposed to be here for ten days and then ended up extending her trip to make it fourteen days instead. The time that she was here was wonderful and it was time I needed to spend with her, but it still made me very sad to see her get on that airplane and head home. I know that I will see my parents in six weeks when I go to California, but I hate that I even have to wait that long.
Times like these, it makes me miss family even more and the distance between us makes it so difficult. I wish that there wasn't so much planning that has to go into preparing for a visit. I wish that instead of my mom getting on a plane, that she would have gotten into her car and just had a five mile drive home. I wish it wasn't "see you in six weeks", but rather "see you tomorrow." And I wish I didn't have to wipe the tears from my face or Lily's face as I tell her that six weeks isn't a long time and it will be here before we know it. All the while trying to convince myself as well.
I know how fortunate I am to get to see my family as often as I do, but when you are used to growing up where all of your family is within a ten-mile radius, it still isn't easy. I'm not sure it ever will be and I am not sure that some people will ever understand why it's so hard for me.
So until I can say, "See you tomorrow," I will just continue to say, "See you soon!" and make the most of the time I get to spend near them.