Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bye Bye Binky!

Old habits can be very hard to break, especially when it is something you have been doing your whole life, but I knew that now was the time for Lily to get rid of her binkies.  That's correct, my four year old would still use a binky during her naps and at bedtime.  Please don't judge me.  I saw that this was her source of comfort and couldn't bear to take them from her, but this day has long since been overdue.

So we went around the house collecting Lily's binkies and placed them in a box to send them off to someone who needed them more than her.  Sophia even threw one of hers in for good measure...
Lily chose the paper to wrap the box in and even picked out the bow...

She actually seemed eager to send them off and signed her name so that the recipient would know they were from her...

Once the box was wrapped, we placed it on the front porch and waited for Frosty the Snowman to come get his binkies (because we all know that a snowman can't live without one)...

Lily said one last goodbye...

I was pretty certain that the eagerness she was feeling would have faded by the time she had to lay down for bedtime.  She did cry for a few minutes, but then quickly fell asleep.  She slept through the night and when she woke up at 7:45 this morning, she happily proclaimed that "Mama, I slept all night without my binky and guess what, Frosty came and got his binkies."

Maybe old habits aren't so hard to break after all!

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