Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Little Puzzled

I witnessed something last night and I just felt the need to brag about it, at least a little bit.

See this 24 piece puzzle...

Lily sat in the middle of the dining room and worked on it while Joe and I hung pictures

And guess what!?

She finished it all by herself!
Which got me thinking...
I'm not sure if we can call her a genius quite yet, but now the hair is beginning to make a little more sense.
Notice the resemblance??

Who's laughing now????
Our little ALBERTA EINSTEIN in the making!


  1. OMG THAT IS SOOO FUNNY!! She is just too precious,mmm I wonder who she takes after?? Love Mom

  2. Love the hair...I was wondering where she got that from?!

  3. Oh wow! That is one of the funniest things I have ever seen! Love Tam Tam

  4. LOL..I am crying right now laughing so hard...I was really wondering what had caused that crazy hair and now I know it is brainiac hair....HAHA...that is too funny! I can't wait for Sean to get home so he can read this! LOL LOL LOL...
