Friday, August 14, 2009

Pretty Princesses

Playing dress-up is like a ritual for all young girls. The Murphy household is no exception.

After digging through two trunks of clothes, Lily decided that she would be Aurora today.

Lily wanted Sophia to also be Sleeping Beauty (a mini version), and for once, Sophia cooperated.

Princess, I mean Princess Aurora all dolled up

Speaking of getting dolled up, Sophia thought that since she was a princess, that she might need some princess lip gloss.

She almost got it right.


  1. I see nothing wrong with Sophia's lip gloss attempt, that's how I put mine on. Love Mom

  2. Sophia...future cosmetic girl at Macy's in the making...Love Tam Tam

  3. It actually looks a little like the mud mask I use on my face sometimes :) great minds think alike!
