Monday, August 31, 2009

Miss Mischevious

In the evening, after everyone has wound down and drifted off to dreamland, I really enjoy the peace and quiet. However, when you have two small children who are awake in the middle of the afternoon and it is quiet, be afraid, be very afraid! Silence is never golden with two little ones and it usually means they are up to something. Did I say "usually"? I meant ALWAYS!

This particular morning, Sophia was being as quiet as a mouse. Apparently she was a hungry mouse...

Sophia has never been one to let anything keep her from getting what she wants. Where there's a will, there's a way.

She found what she wanted...whole wheat pasta

Oops! Busted!

You would have thought I learned my lesson, but later in the day, Sophia was noticeably quiet again.

Floss anyone??


  1. Who needs a step stool when you have a jar of animal crackers??

  2. That is hilarious!!! Sophia is getting so big and so better sleep with one eye open. Love, Tam Tam
