Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lost in Translation

Lily is at the age where she is so curious about everything around her and always has a question for you. Most of the time I am able to give her an answer to her question, but there are times that I am unable to give her an answer, mostly because she catches me off-guard and I simply do not know how to respond.
Last night was one of those nights.
I was getting the girls down to sleep, and after Sophia had fallen asleep, Lily told me she had to get up to go to the bathroom. I am not sure what it is about Lily going the bathroom, but this is the time she seems to enjoy asking those questions the most.
While I waited PATIENTLY for her to go, (and after she had asked me to squeeze her to help her go) she looked up at the towel on the shower door and asked, "Momma, how do you say white in Spanish?" I told her that the word for white is "blanco." Lily then repeats the word back saying "Blanco. That's right! It's blanco. Blanco." Now she is looking a little higher on the shower and notices the purple towel. I can see the wheels in her head turning and I just know she will ask me how to say "purple" in Spanish next.
"Yes, Lily." I just know what is coming.
"How do you say poop in Spanish?"
I am at a complete loss for words. That is not at all what I expected, but that's Lily for you. Always keeping you on your toes!
"I'm not sure. We will have to ask daddy tomorrow."
Joe, a little help please!


  1. Oh our little Lily.....when you find out from Joe please let me know because I often have the very same question in my head. :) Love, Tam Tam

  2. LOL....nice Tam...LOL That is so Lily!
