Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hula Hoop How To

Have you ever tried to hula hoop?
In case you haven't learned yet, I have provided this step by step guide as a little hula hooping tutorial.
I hope it helps.

Step one:
Grab a hula hoop...
Step two:
Put hoop around waist...
Step three:
Move those hips around.
It doesn't matter how tiny they are...
Step four:
Once you have mastered steps one through three, get a little funky with it...
Do cool tricks like swinging it around your neck...
And most importantly...
Don't give up...
Just pick up that hoop, put it around your waist...
and give it all you've got...
With enough practice, you too can be a true hula hoop master.
Happy Hula Hooping!

1 comment:

  1. hilarious! Great tutorial! I am practicing right now!
