Saturday, April 6, 2013

4 Months

This month you decided to keep me on my toes and switch things up a bit.
You had always been such a good sleeper.
Until about 1 week into your third month of life.
It was then that you decided to start waking up every 45 minutes at night.
What a cruel joke that was.
You did this for about five days.
I took you to the doctor to see if it was your ears.
Nope, they were fine.
I thought maybe you were just hungry.
Nope, you didn't even want to eat each time at night.
If this were the norm, it would be ok (I guess).
But you had been sleeping 6-7 hours straight.
I definitely could not handle this new schedule.

Then, with a new friends suggestion, I went back to swaddling you.
We never really did it with the other girls.
I only did it with you for the first few weeks, so I didn't know how you would react to being wrapped super tight now that you were already three months.
But I was willing to try it.
I was willing to try anything by night five of no sleep.

So just after feeding you, I swaddled you as best I could in the muslin blankets my friend loaned me.
I laid you down and hoped for the best.
Then I laid down myself at 8:30 p.m. as soon as you were down.
By some sort of miracle, you slept.
The first night, you slept for 4 hours.
Night two, you upped it to 5 1/2 hours.
By  night three, you had your biggest stretch of sleep ever.
8 hours and 45 minutes.
Holy cow, this swaddling thing works.
And even now at four months, it is still your preferred method of sleep.

More developments:
You smile those great big, silent smiles all of the time.
I keep waiting for a laugh to pop out, but nothing yet.
You are getting stronger with tummy time.
You can get your head super high, but you have not rolled over.
You coo and talk up a storm.
It is such a magnificent sound.
We have established a bit of a routine.
You like to be awake while I get the girls ready for school and then take a quick nap in your swing while I scarf down my breakfast.
Your eyes are changing color.
I still can't tell what they will be.
They aren't bright blue and they don't look brown.
They are more of a gray color.
You drool.
Everyone thinks you are teething.
Which is true, but that doesn't mean you will be getting teeth soon.
In the meantime, a bib would be smart.
Or I could just dress you up like my little doll in two to three out fits a day :)

My ever growing baby girl, here you are at four months...
So happy!
Such a tremendous joy!
I love you!

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