Friday, January 13, 2012

The Great Clean-Out of 2012

Much of January has been devoted to cleaning my house.
I mean REALLY cleaning my house.
Every closet that is opened gets cleaned out.
I have used the old adage that if you have not used it in a year, chances are you never will.
So my garbage has been filled to the brim.
I am proud of my progress so far.

I knew tackling the girl's play room and organizing it was inevitable.
I have organized it well in the past.
Sometimes too well.
I had stacked and put everything some place.
But many of their toys were hard to get to because there were others stacked on top.
This time, I wanted a better storage plan.
With some help from pinterest, I turned their play room into an organizer's dream.
The girl's can easily get to their toys to play with them AND
they can just as easily clean up after themselves (also an O.C.D. mom's dream).

Just take a look for yourself...
This crazy bin lady also became the crazy labeling lady.
But it paid off.
Now on to the rest of the house which should be a whiz compared to this.

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