Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Two Months

I can't quite believe it's been two months already.
Just look how much you have changed...

In just a short two months, you have discovered how important sleep is for mommy.
So every night you are giving me at least one 5 hour stretch.
At night you allow me to set you down after nursing while still awake and you are able to lull yourself to sleep.
This is something that the other girls never did.
I have learned to ignore most of your grunts at night.
This is the only way for me to get sleep.

You have also been exposed to a number of colds, fevers and flu in this house.
That's just the result of having two sisters in school.
Our house is like a little germ factory, but at least I can rest comfortably knowing your immune system will be strong.

Lily's voice

Cold feet
Being set down (you want to be held all day, but will luckily let us set you down at night to sleep)
Tummy time
Riding in the car (even just to go the 1/2 mile to Lily's school.  You scream and scream and even foam at the mouth some.  This has been a teensy stressful on your mommy)

In month two, you have two parents and two sisters who adore you and love you more each day.

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