Monday, May 6, 2013

5 Months

And the time just keeps flying by.
You, my little ball of sunshine, are five months old today...
Each day, you seem to be getting sweeter and cuter.
If that is even possible.
You made our month when you finally laughed out loud.
It's not something you do all of the time, but reserve it for special occasions.
When it does happen, we all stop what we are doing to listen to this beautiful sound.

This month you also started on "solids" (rice cereal).
However, that only lasted two days because it seemed that your tiny tummy couldn't digest it.
As a result, you would throw up.
Why would I put my precious girl through that?

You also got a little fancier this month when you got your ears pierced.
You cried for just a moment, but when I picked you up, you immediately stopped.
This has become a pattern this month.

I have been giving you a lot of tummy time in the hopes that you would roll over.
You always got close, but never could completely roll by yourself.
Of course when you did decide to finally roll over, you did so when you were with your daddy and I was in the other room.

You still aren't sleeping much at night.
You still love your bath time.
Although we may have to switch to a bigger sink soon.
Your naps are more predictable which means I get to work on losing this baby weight.
Thank you for that.
It also helps me get through the day on little sleep.
This perfect face helps this sleepy mommy as well...
Like the yellow of your shirt, you brighten all of my days.

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