Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Good Use for Old Socks

Do you have a bunch of old white socks laying around?  Socks that have somehow lost their matches in the dryer?  Don't fear, there is still a good use for them...

Just add some glitter...
and some glue, lots of glue...

Then give your sock some eyes...
using old buttons and glittery butterflies...
 Then sit back and watch in amazement as your mommy tries to get creative...

by adding ribbon to the sock to make it look like it has hair (pretty successful, huh!?)...

Check out the sock to make sure you haven't forgotten anything...
and VOILA, you now have a sock puppet.  If you want the puppet to look even more dapper, try adding a hat.  It completes the look...
Kind of scary, isn't it??


  1. Thanks! They are definitely not what I envisioned, but they got the job done.
