Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Birthday

Well, it's Thursday.
Just as Lily said, "On Thursday the baby will be done and she can come out."

After 39 weeks of waiting (plus the additional two years we tried so hard), today is the day our family of four becomes a family of five...
Sophia stayed home from school to welcome her sister.
It's not every day a moment like this happens in your life...
The proud dad sat waiting...
Lily went to school during the morning hours to ensure her "perfect attendance" wouldn't be in jeopardy and then joined us just as her sister was to be born...
The girls were intrigued with all of the machines and constantly concerned with my well-being...
Before long, it was time for Joe to suit up because this baby was ready...
After only 30 minutes of being in surgery getting my c-section, I felt some tugging.
I was so anxious.
And so ready.
Within moments Joe and I heard the most incredible sound.
It was the strong cries from our baby girl.
Her cries made us cry.
Joe sat beside me squeezing my hand for a bit longer and then went to meet our new baby.
He stood by while they measured, tested and cleaned her up.
I got just the briefest glimpse at her.
But that brief glimpse was enough to show me how perfect she was.

Our baby was now ready to meet her big sisters.
It was a moment I would have loved to share with them, but lucky for me, these precious moments were caught on film.
The love my two girls felt for their new sister is evident...
(Look closely, she's holding Sophia's hand)...
I am in awe of how someone so tiny can bring so much happiness to so many people.
I can see the love in Lily's eyes.
The way she looks at her says it all.
I can hear the love in Sophia's voice.
The way she sings lullabies to calm her is all the proof I need.

Today my heart became so full I thought it might burst.
The love I feel for all those around me could never be explained.
The world works in mysterious and wondrous ways.
I have been blessed beyond imagination.
I have a husband whom I adore and whom adores me.
And now my family of five is complete.
For God has given me not one, not two, but three precious girls.
Life, at this moment, could not be any better.

Welcome Home Madelon Rose Murphy.

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