Thursday, December 20, 2012

Two Weeks

Baby Maddie,

Today you are two weeks old.
At your doctor appointment, I found out that you are 7 pounds and 20.5 inches long.
You seem to be growing so fast already.
I know a lot of it has to do with all that eating you enjoy doing.
Trust me, the chubby cheeks don't lie...
At this point in your life, your favorite things to do are eat, sleep and soil diapers.
You also hiccup...all of the time.
I doubt you like doing this, but it is something you have mastered.
You also like to make a lot of noise.
You grunt so much that your daddy calls you his little bulldog.
In a loving way of course.

Your belly button cord still has not fallen off, so I have yet to give you anything but a sponge bath.
You know what my favorite part about giving you a bath is?
Drying you off and seeing your fuzzy little shoulders.
That's right, you have the tiniest bit of dark hair on your shoulders and back.
It's adorable now, but won't be cute in about 16 years.
But for the moment, I am going to enjoy it.

You are such a good baby.
You rarely cry.
Except when we have to take your toasty toes out of your pajamas to change you.
You cry, sometimes scream, but once we put the toes back in, you become happy again.

I still can't believe you are here.
So there are days I hold you while you sleep.
You don't seem to mind.
I think you actually prefer your daddy and my arms to your bed.
The feeling is mutual.

Happy Two Weeks little girl!

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