Friday, July 24, 2009

From Lil' Swimmer to Lil' Skipper

On July 13, 2009, I took Lily to her first swim lesson at the local YMCA. I figured with all the swimming we do and water park visits we make each summer that lessons would be the logical thing to do. As it is, Lily LOVES the water, so I felt that this would be a piece of cake for her.
The first day we got there, Lily saw that her friend, Olive would also be taking lessons with her. The two giddy girls climbed into the pool and sat at the top step just like their instructor, Charlie asked them to do. Charlie began taking each kid out one-by-one and that is where Lily's excitement ended. As she made her way back to the steps, I saw that she was crying. Of course I went to go see how she was and from that moment on, she refused to get back in the water. I was ready to pack up and go. Did I mention that we were inside and it was more humid than anything I had ever felt? Luckily, my friend Jen convinced me to stay. Lily spent the rest of the lesson standing next to me just watching. I told Charlie "Thank you" but honestly felt that we wouldn't be back. I didn't want to force her to do something she wasn't ready for.
After getting home, I told Lily that she had another swim lesson the next day and wanted to know if she would like to go. She went back and forth on her answer and finally the morning of swim lesson #2, she decided to go. Man oh man! What a difference a day makes! There was a new instructor to teach their group and Lily had no trouble getting in the water. For the next two weeks, Lily couldn't wait to go to swim lessons. By the second day, she was even jumping into the pool and putting her head under the water.
Today was Lily's last day of swim lessons and I watched her as she swam from one side of the pool to the other with only a "backpack." You wouldn't believe how proud I am of her!

Lily watching her teacher, Jodie intently

Kick! Kick! Kick!

Keeping her mouth closed so as not to get that water in her mouth

The next Esther Williams

Ladies and gentlemen, please take a look at my little graduate. She is now officially a SKIPPER!

Next up...SOCCER!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your little swimmer!! I am so jealous! Dax is almost 3 1/2, and wanted nothing to do with swimming lessons. It's his way, or no way. Hopefully next year!
