Sunday, March 14, 2010

Gas Guzzler

Birthday gifts are always hard to buy for people in my family because it seems that whenever someone wants something, they go out and buy it.  Joe's birthday happened to fall during our vacation to Disney World and although I thought that was a pretty good gift, I wanted to get him something more.

This is what he wanted, so this is what he got...
I myself had a bike sitting up in the attic which I hadn't ridden in about six years.  Joe and I each had our modes of transportation, but what about the girls?  Luckily my friend wanted to sell her bike trailer, so we bought it.  
This is how the girls felt about their new ride...

I was worried that it may be too small, but they didn't seem to mind the closeness...
Once we were set, off we went.  I would like to tell you that we rode many miles that day, but then I would be lying to you.  We did ride around our neighborhood though and we quickly discovered something we hadn't really paid attention to in the past, all of the hills.

Joe had the task of pulling the girls in the trailer behind him, which probably weighed about 80 pounds.  We had already ridden up three hills by now and were working on our fourth.  Joe had to stop midway up this steep hill to take a break.  During his stop, Lily looked over at me and asked,
"Mommy, did we run out of gas?"

I told Joe I would give him a break and take the girls with me.  Joe gladly gave me the task, but he quickly had to resume dragging the girls behind him when he realized that I couldn't even make it up the first hill.

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