Friday, August 12, 2011

A Beefy Introduction

If you know Joe and I (or if you have been reading this blog), you know that we adore this little city known as Chicago.
There are so many things to love about Chicago.
We love it for it's cleanliness, architecture, shopping and food.
The food options in Chicago are unlike anything we can get here in the south.
Especially when it comes to the Italian Beef.

So Joe and I find it our duty to introduce our Southern friends to the deliciousness that is the Italian beef.
Just think of us as the Midwest Beef Ambassadors.

Before anyone could get a proper introduction, the beefs had to be ordered.
We order ours from Portillo's.
It's great because you can order it and one week later, you will have the beef, gravy, buns, sweet peppers and giardiniera waiting for you on your doorstep.

Once the beefs arrived, we invited our friends the Burkett's and Leiva's over for a good old Chicago meal.
There were beefs and antipasto salad for the adults and hot dogs and fruit for the kiddos.

There was also dessert.
This didn't have to be ordered.
It was just a traditional ice cream sundae that could be purchased at any nearby neighborhood store...
This was the best part of the night for these little ones...
Lily and Elijah...
Little Ethan...
Sophia and Kennedy...
Joe and Toby...
Alana and Charla...
After tonight's big city introduction to my sweet southern friends, there is no doubt that the beef has won over more fans.
Good friends and great food always makes life a little sweeter.

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