Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Scorcher

I feel like I have been blogging the whole month of July, but in reality, I only had eight posts.
What the HECK?
I guess all the posts I actually posted in July were of our trip in June.
I feel bad.
I feel as if I have been neglecting telling stories of the girls.
But the truth is, we have really not been doing much.
It's been too hot.
When we got in the car after swimming yesterday, the temperature read 117 degrees.
The heat index was supposed to get up to 120.
The same is set for today.
Needless to say, the only way to cool off has been to swim.
So that's what we do.
All of the time.

Swimming every day has gotten the girls to be stronger swimmers.
When in the pool, they spend more time underwater than above.
And I am okay with that.
Seeing them go under does not panic me anymore because I know of their ability to swim.
They are the only three and five year old kids at the pool without floaties and life jackets on.
That gives me a feeling of tremendous pride.
But no pride was greater than watching the other day as Lily and Sophia swam unassisted the entire length of a pool.
Unassisted (no floaties, kick boards, noodles, etc)!
Even the elderly people stopped to watch this feat and clapped for the girls after said feat was accomplished.

Sophia struggled towards the end.
She seemed to come up for a breath with every stroke.
But she had her sights set on us and like usual, she never gave up.
Lily swam fast and hard.
She went so fast, I said she looked like a torpedo.

Later that night they both told Joe what they did.
They were both proud of themselves.
Lily even informed Joe that I compared her to a "po-cheeto" (torpedo).

At least the heat has been good for one thing.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about posting. I was looking back over my posts and realized that July 2011 will be the least documented month in the 5 years since I started blogging!!!

    For us it was health rather than weather. We've actually had a gorgeous summer here in SoCal. But my little crew spent the entirety of July sick. :( Hopefully August will be better for both of us!

    Keep posting! I love reading your blog! You are so upbeat and wonderful with your girls.
