Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Funday at Ditado's

Sundays are for relaxing and sleeping in.
Neither of which my children do.
They generally like their days to be filled with activities.
So while I sat and read the paper, the girls played with glitter
This was 100% my mom's idea because I really couldn't imagine cleaning up the mess that was about to ensue...
Once the glittery mess was under control, the girls went on to some real fun.
Pulling weeds.
Also my mom's idea...
Once the appropriate weed pulling garb was on (pj's, flip flops and oversized gloves), Sophia went to pulling...
And pulling...
And after 5 minutes, she was still pulling.
Still pulling the same stubborn weed...
Got it...
Hannah stepped in to help Sophia.
She broke up the weeds...
Stole Sophia's shoe...
All the while, Zoe sat by and watched Hannah's mischief unfold...
Sunday Fundays aren't just for the kids...
Even 12 year old dogs want to have fun, too.

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