Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Bad Case of the Naughties

Yesterday Sophia was naughty.
Her naughtiness upset me.
As a result of her naughty behavior, I also did something naughty.
I couldn't help it.
The naughtiness was contagious.

Allow me to set the scene for you.

I was in the girl's room organizing their closet.
The girl's were playing in their playroom.
Or so I thought.
Lily walks into her room and proceeds to state the following to me:

Mom, I've got some bad news.

What's wrong?

You know your book with the lady on it?

Which one?

The one that had the picture of the skunk in it.
(The skunk picture is a photo of Lily that I was planning to use as a bookmark).
Well, Sophia is tearing the pages out of it.

So I make a mad dash to my bedroom.
As I get to the kitchen, I hear the bedroom door slam.
Out comes Sissy in a full sprint like Flo-Jo in the 100 meter dash.

My stern voice stops her in her tracks.
Sophia, what did you just do?

Nothing mama.

I go into the room and see the new book, that had never even been opened prior to Sophia's little hands getting on it, sitting on my bed.
On the floor beneath it sits about ten pages of said book.
Sophia truly outdid herself this time.
Not only were the pages torn out, but they were in shreds.
A top of the line paper shredder could not have done a better job.

So I got angry.
Then I did that naughty thing I mentioned earlier.
I took what I know is so near and dear to Sophia and threw them away.
That's right, her last two remaining binkies went straight into the garbage.

At that moment, she seemed a little unphased.
I felt bad and then told myself that it was time to get rid of them anyway.
So that's where her punishment ended.
I figured I dealt her a pretty strong blow and she paid for what she did.
So I went back to the room to finish sorting their closet.

Apparently Lily did not agree with the punishment being over.
A few minutes later I heard something dragging across the kitchen floor.
I overheard Lily saying something to Sophia but I could not make out the words.
Shortly after Lily walks back into her room and proudly states,

What Sophia did was bad, so I put her in timeout.

Funny thing is that Sophia actually stayed there.

1 comment:

  1. OMG...LMAO! That is the funniest story and just another one of Lily's stories that kills me! They are so funny!
