Sunday, April 24, 2011

Church, Candy and Cascarones

Easter Baskets and Egg Hunts were just the beginning of our busy Easter morning.
We still had the ten a.m. church service to attend and then dinner at Tia Rosie's...
All of the practice Lily has had attending church at school has proven to be helpful in getting her to sit still for an hour.
Sophia on the other hand had to make an early exit from the church before a scene was made.
Not enough gum in the world could get her to sit still for an hour...
After an hour drive to Rosie's, the girls were treated to gift bags...
and the company of their cousin's, Michael and Nathan...
There was an egg hunt for the little ones...
Then big bubbles were blown.
These big bubbles provided a ton of entertainment for Sophia and Nathan...
But the best fun of the day came when the cascarones were cracked over the heads of unsuspecting children and adults...
I always say that the holidays are much more fun when spent with family.
This day was no exception.
Happy Easter from our family to yours!


  1. This was so adorable! Thank you for sharing these pics, I am cracking up!

  2. Oh, I especially love the pic of the kids all sitting down together. Reminds me of us when we were kids and all the wonderful Easter memories at Grandma's house :)
