Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Game Master

Yesterday was quite busy.
Some things were planned.
Others were not.

Lily had a soccer game.
That was planned...
Then we went to Sonfest.
It was a carnival at Lily's school.
This was also planned...
The girls did the cake walk.
Lily won twice in a row.
I told her to just choose one dessert.
She chose chocolate chip cookies...
 Then the girls went to the duck pond...
Did a little egg hunting...
The girls took a break from the games for a moment.
They kicked off their shoes and jumped in the bounce house and went down the inflatable slide...

Then back to the games with an intense game of Tic-Tac-Toe...
 Although Lily gave it a good try, she did not succeed in getting a tic-tac-toe, but Sophia did...
As a matter of fact, I was starting to notice a trend.
Every game Sophia played, she won.
So maybe I should have rethought the next game the girls wanted to play.
But how often do you actually see someone get the big ball into the tiny glass?
All it took for Sophia was one try.
The prize...
Within seconds they already had names.
The one on the left is Nemo and the one on the right is Dory...
So what was I to do?
They had already named them.
I couldn't very well give them away.
So we made an unplanned trip to the store.
And then gave Dory and Nemo a nice home...
On the way home Lily asked me if they were going to have babies.
Let's just hope they survive our trip to Chicago.

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