Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Simple Things

With everything in the world seeming to be so difficult nowadays, I tend to think that it's the simple things in life that make it so satisfying. Like having my mom come out for a much needed visit to Arkansas and spending time with me and my girls.
Or having her teach the rules of Candyland to Lily and then watching as Lily successfully beats her every time they play
While she lets Sophia hold her phone
and "chat" with Papa.
It can also be as simple as going outside on a beautiful Fall day and watching the girls as they play some of your favorite childhood games.
Like Hide and Seek...

and Tag...

or just simply running around as fast as your little legs will move...
while yelling at the top of your lungs.
The simple things in life are always so much more fun when you have someone to hold your hand along the way...

especially when you are playing "Ring Around the Rosie"

and then cracking up when you all fall down.
The simple act of dancing while making up songs can make some great memories, especially when your Ditado takes the lead.

While a visit from a loved one can seem simple enough, the memories that go along with it are beyond simple. They are simply incredible!


  1. I'm bawling my eyes out. I Love you and miss you Mom

  2. I can hear the giggles from here! I can't wait for another visit! Love, Tam Tam

  3. I am all teared up too! I knew that you all would have a great time on your 'girlie-vacation' but the pictures that you captured with what I am assuming is your new camera..are priceless!
